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The Participatory Mind:

A New Theory of Knowledge and of the Universe

(Creative Fire Press)

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NEWLY REISSUED (original 1994)


Building on the insights of such thinkers as Teilhard de Chardin and Bergson, as well as contemporaries like Dobzhansky and Bateson, Henryk Skolimowski points us to a new metaphysical order in which mind and world are intimately connected.  This new participatory worldview explains how the concept of the world "out there," independent of the mind, is incoherent.  Rather, says Skolimowski, we must see the mind as actively shaping and creating the world.  Even truth itself, he argues, is enmeshed in the web of the participatory mind.  And all are encompassed by a universal process of cosmic evolution.

     In beholding, we are articulating.  In articulating, we are co-creating.  In the act of articulation, mind and reality merge.  Reality becomes an aspect of mind.  In an era of stale and tedious analytic philosophy, Skolimowski brings us brave new visions, expansive metaphysical theorizing, and penetrating insight.  Few individuals have proven able to encompass the scope of philosophy as he has, all while retaining an ability for truly creative work. 

     A pinnacle of a stunningly impressive career, this book is destined for greatness.


2019.  Paperback.  360 pages.


Chapter 1: Outlining the Participatory Mind

Mind and Life

From The Minds of Amoebas to the Mind of Einstein


A New Concept of the Human

A Model of Mind as Reality: Noetic Monism


Chapter 2: Mind in History

Empiricists and Rationalists—Their Views of the Mind

The Pigeon Methodology vs The Co-Creative Mind

Karl Popper—A Partial Liberation from Positivism

The Three Western Projects


Chapter 3: The Spiral of Understanding

Ontology and Epistemology in a Circular Relationship

The Walls of the Cosmos and the Spiral of the Mind

How Stable is Our Picture of the Universe?

The Peculiarity of the Process of Understanding


Chapter 4: Teilhard’s Story of Complexity: Its Beauty and Its Essential Incompleteness

Teilhard’s Legacy

Is Gradualism an Ideology or a Scientific Theory?

The Thesis of Simplicity Comprehension


Chapter 5: The Four Great Cycles of the Western Mind

Recapitulating Our Position

From the Tempestuousness of the Homeric Heroes to the Lucidity of Plato

From the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Building of Chartres Cathedral

The Renaissance: The Civilization That Did Not Make It

The Engines of Mechanos are Beginning to Run a New Civilization

Evolutionary Telos Emerging as a New Logos


Chapter 6: The Methodology of Participation and Its Consequences

The Objective Mind and Its Problems

The Methodology of Participation as Superseding the Methodology of Objectivity

Participatory Research Programs

Participatory Strategies

Participatory Thinking

Sensitivity of Matter


Chapter 7: Structures, Symbols, and Evolution

Structures and the Ascent of Evolution

The Origin of Structures

Symbols and Their Role in the Ascent of Man

Dominant Symbols in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity

Scientific Knowledge and Its Enigmatic Symbols

The Mind as the Creator if Symbols


Chapter 8: The Individual Spiral of Understanding

Our Individuality and Our Universality

The Pain of Becoming

Personal Truth

The Meaning of Transformation

The Spiral of Understanding and Meditation

The Fable of the Brain’s Two Hemispheres

A Model of the Integrated Self

The Participatory Mind and the Space of Grace


Chapter 9: The Universal Spiral of Understanding

Different Cultures — Different Spirals — Different Perspectives

Brains, Minds, and Computers

Interactionism and the Participatory Mind — The Historical Record

Some Forerunners of the Participatory Mind

On the Dangers of Subjectivism


Chapter 10: Participatory Truth

The Correspondence Theory

The Coherence Theory of Truth

Participatory Truth

Participatory Truth as the Search for the Completeness of the Universe

Truth is the Consequence of the Participatory Context


Chapter 11: Grand Theory in the Participatory Key

The Return of Grand Theory

Significant Experiences

Experience and Knowledge

From New Illuminations to New Realities

The Axis of Reality and the Axis of Meditation

Knowledge as Power and Knowledge as Liberation


Chapter 12: The Promise of Participatory Philosophy

Philosophy as the Pursuit of a Life-Style of Grace

From Perennial Philosophy to Scientific Philosophy

Philosophy as Courage

Participatory Philosophy

Participatory Ethics


Chapter 1



Site updated:  July 2024

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